Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Moving Right Along

I am almost moved out of my old artists' community and into the new one. I have one more big push this weekend. I've been a basketcase dealing with all of this, but I keep getting signals that I am doing the right thing, so I am trusting the process, as they say.

I finished my artist's grant application and mailed it in yesterday. That is the first grant I have ever applied for, and it was an interesting experience. It's for a very large sum of money, with this organization:


The grant is for $50,000 over two years to help a woman writer carve out the time to pursue her writing projects. I pursue mine no matter what, but a stash of money to help me publish them would change my life. That is what I said I would do with the award if I won it. I would buy a better laptop and start a tiny publishing venture for my work. This economy could not be worse for trying to launch anything, but the award won't be announced until next March anyway, and it would take me a little longer to set everything up and roll it out. I am working on that anyway. My priorities for next year are saving money, paring down and simplifying my life, upgrading my laptop, working on music, visiting my family in Texas, and self-publishing a small run of my books.

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