Monday, January 26, 2009

Arts and Crafts Movement

I buckled down this weekend and took photographs of all of the new merchandise I have for my vintage and crafts shop on Etsy. I got behind on that project because of my near-move and subsequent residential space re-design late last year and then due to the holidays. I wanted to get the new stuff up online for Christmas, but I was just too tired and busy. I've also been demoralized by this wretched economy. Honestly, I've only sold a handful of items from Etsy since Thanksgiving and I lost my will around it. I've got some really pretty stuff, though, and I think if I price it low enough, it might move. I had a lot of fun taking the pictures. I used the warehouse art space where I live, and I set up the portable closet storage that I got as a gift over the holidays, so organizing the stuff to shoot and ship it is much easier now. My housemate Robb, the video artist, was working out there, too, and played some chill ambient music the whole time, which made it more like play than work. I'm going to discount some of my older stuff into a clearance section, too, and I am rethinking ways to package some of my craft projects. I plan to make some toys and jewelry soon, too, which will also be fun. I've been working for so long and so hard on my books that I think I do need to mix it up a little more with other creative outlets. I cannot WAIT to get my Apple laptop and MIDI; I think this year is going to be fun no matter what.

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