Monday, January 26, 2009

Higher Education

I've been looking at some educational programs to fulfill professional and creative aspirations that I have for the future. I found a publishing arts certificate program at Antioch College near Los Angeles that sounds interesting, but I just discovered that it is prohibitively expensive - $12,000 total. That's more than I want to invest in an industry that is undergoing what may well be the death throes of its prior business model. Honestly, I just want to gain the skills to release my own content, books and music, and at this point I think I will be better off for the most part investing in equipment and training myself to use it. I do think I want to pursue the music production certificate at ULCA - that fits well with what I actually hope to accomplish and it's only $6,000 total, payable a few hundred bucks at a time as you register for each short-term class. I had looked at a similar program at Musician's Institute a few years ago, but it was over $20,000 and they had no night school program, so if you were a grown-up and had a day job, you were out of luck. This UCLA one is much better in that regard, and I think it's just a better program overall. It's more geared toward the real world, and teaches all the Logic Pro applications and also music business material. I've learned some of that stuff piecemeal over my time in and out of the music industry but I'd appreciate a refresher course on some of it, and an intro to everything I don't know. My first priority at this point is to get the MacBook Pro and an upgraded MIDI set up, and then I'll register for the program, hopefully in the fall. That sounds doable.

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