Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Deus Ex Machina

I spent a huge amount of time working on my new computer, and I am finding that I do have a learning curve to master the Mac. I have used PC most of my computing life because I've worked in editorial and office environments and they don't use Apple for the most part. I've taught myself a lot, and had a heart attack trying to install my photo program (1400+ pictures wiped from my camera's memory when it reformatted for the new system), but all is well, and I'm loving this divine machine. I can't wait to install the MIDI and Logic Pro, hopefully in a few weeks. I've set up my desktop, screen saver and Safari homepage all to reflect the Fleur D'Amour logo and webpage, and that is helping me get motivated on art projects other than writing. I am way behind schedule on my music because of all the chaos from 9-11 and Katrina, but I've got a whole folio full of songs that I've written over time, and it's time to dust them off.

1 comment:

JediWright said...

Whoa, 1,400 pics wiped out? That sucks! I did something similar about a year and a half ago when I got a new backup drive...inadvertently writing over a mirrored folder wiping out nearly 6-yrs worth of Do LaB pics! That was hard to swallow. Luckily I got some of it back through a disk recovery program Brent has; I'm still sorting through the mess of files though.