Thursday, February 7, 2008

Edit VS Rewrite

I just came across this interesting article that provides insight to both sides of the writer/editor relationship (see link below). I am lucky to have a very good editor at one magazine with whom I have a longstanding relationship, and working with her has helped me streamline my writing more with every piece she assigns me. I've also had dreadful editors, editors for whom I composed one piece and never went back because I was appalled by the final unrecognizable version of my work that ran in their magazines. For example, one editor at a music magazine in NYC assigned me a CD to review and took the positive appraisal I wrote, literally changed my opinion to a negative one that fit the trendy mindset of the time and ran it with my name on it, without once consulting me or informing me of what he had done. I was mortified when I saw it, and confronted him. He was very young, and it seemed to be news to him that that was unethical. A bad editor can hurt your career, and a good one can bring you to a whole new level of expression. I have a great deal of respect for good editors. One of my favorites is Adam Moss, who took New York Magazine from the doldrums to a cohesive and entertaining publication. It clearly has the stamp of his personality on it, but without a heavy hand. I am always happy to see it in the mailbox now, and I don't even live in NYC anymore. That's a mark of how relevant it seems to me - I moved all the way across the country, but it's still worth my time to read it.

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