Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Goblet of Fire is the Holy Grail

No wonder I like Harry Potter so much:


This is awesome. I love alchemical studies, and my second book, Parsifal, is highly alchemical. I am finding out that elements I put into it unconsciously are turning out to be deeply mystical alchemical symbolism. I knew there was a lot of deliberate alchemical symbolism in the Potter books, but I bet some of J.K. Rowling's stuff is also unconscious. The alchemy is an inherent process in the archetypal psyche that is activated by the process of seeking God and one's spiritual destiny. Developing one's creativity is a highly effective means of activating it.

I especially like this quote from the website linked above:

If you read Harry Potter with this symbolism in mind, the story will transform from an exciting battle between good and evil to a method of absolute liberation from death, suffering and evil.


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