Monday, June 23, 2008

Weekend Update

I posted more stuff in my Etsy shop over the weekend, and noticed I now have eleven fans. Yaay, it's gone viral! I don't know how people are finding me because I've done no promotion yet within the Etsy site community, but they are indeed finding me. Once I get everything posted that I have to sell, I will look into promoting the store. I've found Etsy shops in searches I did for one particular kind of item so maybe the same thing is happening with mine. I may just start conversations with all of them and ask. Nothing wrong with doing a little market research.

I'm almost one quarter through another edit of The Flower of Knighthood, too, and aiming for June 30 to go live online with the book. I was telling more people (also writers) last night about my books and they got really interested, which is a good sign.

I also watched four movies this weekend, numbers two, three and four in the Harry Potter series, and The Illusionist, which is one of the best movies I have ever seen. My brain is so fried from reading and from writing shop listings that I am craving visual stimulation and relaxation. I've watched more movies in the last month than I have in the past year and a half, maybe longer, and I feel better for it. I've worked so hard for so long on my books that I severely needed to blow off steam. I'm noticing that I am going back fresher to this latest (last? hopefully) book edit because of the diversion and input of images. The well is collecting rainwater again. It was running a little dry from me pulling up bucket after bucket of creative wellspring. I am refilling it now so I will have inner resources to go back and get to work again on editing Parsifal and on writing the next book, The Engagement of Sir Gawain. I've also got to focus on my music again at some point. I was leafing through my lyric book the other night and flipping out on how many songs I have and how long it has been since I worked on them. That's another part of my life well-deserving of some real attention.

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