Saturday, June 7, 2008

Update on Crafts, Book, and Conference

I spent some time today listing more items in my little Etsy store, and discovered that three people from the Etsy community have listed me as a favorite shop! That made me feel good. I haven't even really gotten going yet and people are noticing me already. I'm going to spend a lot more time tomorrow working on it, and working on the book edits. I started again Thursday evening with another re-read of The Flower of Knighthood. I also looked over my trip preparation notes for the French conference I will be attending next month, and worked out my next steps and budgeting timeline. I figured out exactly how much I need to spend on the train from Paris up to Rennes ($152 round trip) and am going to pay for that and the balance on my lodgings this month. Then all I will need is money for the trip for food, taxis and activities. Everything else will already be completely paid for so I don't have to worry about it.

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