Thursday, May 29, 2008

Last Man Standing

All but one of the saucer guys has left, headed up the road to San Francisco, and the movie crew seems to have wrapped up, too. I heard conflicting reports about what their project was; someone told me it was a big studio movie, but one of my housemates said he thought it was a TV show. Whatever it was, it was well-financed, because they sure had a lot of trucks. The last remaining saucer dude is named Scottie, an artist who lives in Utah. He got invited to Lightning in a Bottle by the festival organizers because they had seen the saucer at other events, and they covered the cost of his gas to get it there. Sweet. A UFO takes a lot of gas to travel interstate - that thing is really big. This is why the artist's community is so much fun. I like living in a place where a flying saucer shows up.

I got a little editing done last night, but at some point I realized I was re-reading the same passage over and over again because I was so fried. It's been a busy week and I am very tired. I gave up on it, took a shower, and watched Sex and the City DVD's with my housemates. I call that show the junk food of the mind, and I was ready for some. I've read my book I think ten times since I started revising it in February and I feel battle-fatigued, but it's almost there. I am very happy with it and it will be done soon.

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