Friday, April 4, 2008

The Tree of Life

An active archetype in my life right now is the axis mundi, the central pole of creation that is symbolized in forms as various as mountains, diamonds, church steeples, lotus stems and the shamanic World Tree. It's a cosmic axis point that connects opposites: the realms of spirit and matter, and the masculine and feminine principles, fundamentally. The symbol is cropping up everywhere for me lately. I've seen numerous tree motifs in things that I am reading or otherwise attracted to. I've also recently drawn a very remarkable rune, Inguz, the rune of completion, whose sigil is a linear representation of the union that the axis mundi symbolizes. It's a very good sign to keep seeing indicators of this archetype. It means that things are integrating in my psyche at a deep level, with results in the outer world hopefully to follow soon. I'll write more about this later; I have a thread of correspondence going on about it with my scientist housemate, and I'll revisit the topic as the skein progresses. It seems that more people are getting involved, too, the collective unconscious busily at work as it always is.

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